Distillations magazine
Distillations articles reveal science’s powerful influence on our lives, past and present.
Amphetamine’s Missing History
David Healy reviews Nicholas Rasmussen’s On Speed: The Many Lives of Amphetamine.
Aspirin: Turn-of-the-Century Miracle Drug
Aspirin has had a long history as a pain reliever—2,000 years of history. But only in the 1970s did scientists begin to uncover its chemical secrets.
The Secret of Max Perutz’s Life
A personal portrait of the Nobel prize-winning crystallographer.
Understanding Pharmaceutical Relations and the Limits of Regulatory Reform
Interactions between the pharmaceutical industry, the biomedical sciences, and legislators is a longstanding hot topic in Washington.
The Lingering Heat over Pasteurized Milk
The history of pasteurization and the controversy surrounding it demonstrate the complexity of milk as a chemical substance.
Sealed with a Wrap
Cellophane celebrates its 100th anniversary with a comeback, after losing out to cheaper imitations in the 1970s.
Social Scientist
Assessing J. Robert Oppenheimer as a leader.
Scientia Vitis: Decanting the Chemistry of Wine Flavor
Scientists have only recently begun to investigate the chemical components that give wines their distinct and complex flavors.
Christmas at Hanford
How 50,000 people tried to maintain a normal existence while living in isolation at the largest the Manhattan Project site.
Science and Celebrity: Humphry Davy’s Rising Star
Part experimenter and part entertainer, Humphry Davy was a 19th-century icon.
The First Century of Chemical Engineering
The founding of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers represented the beginning of American technological dominance in the 20th century.
Nylon: A Revolution in Textiles
The invention of nylon in 1938 promised sleekness and practicality for women and soon ushered in a textile revolution for consumers and the military alike.
Not-So-Great Moments in Chemical Safety
Fatal results of the lax safety standards of yesterday provide powerful lessons in the importance of safety in today’s labs.
Medicalizing Menopause
The rise and fall of hormone replacement therapy.
The Greening of Chemistry
Innovations have reduced industry’s impact on human health and the environment while also saving companies money.
From Nanotech to Nanoscience
Technologies using nanosized objects have been around for hundreds of years.
Powerful Effervescence
In the 18th century Joseph Priestley and others developed artificially carbonated mineral water, uniting the therapeutic powers of an ancient natural restorative with the emerging science of modern chemistry.
John Dalton and the Scientific Method
Dalton proposed atomic theory in 1808; an additional century passed before the theory was universally accepted by scientists.