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Distillations magazine

Unexpected Stories from Science’s Past

Collect Call

In early modern Europe, collecting was a way to press order on a world made increasingly strange by revolutionary ideas and discoveries.


Distillations articles reveal science’s powerful influence on our lives, past and present.

Old photograph of a worn cabin in arid mountains
Inventions & Discoveries

The Rocks at the Top of the World

Vanadium was a rare metal, but for 100 years after its first discovery in 1801 no one cared—until a chemist discovered it strengthened steel.

Apothecary-style bottles
Health & Medicine

Vitamins Come to Dinner

Neither medicine nor food, the vitamin pill was born in the early 20th century and came of age during World War II. Now, vitamins are here to stay—and so is the controversy that swirls around them.

Leyden Jar Battery
Inventions & Discoveries

Leyden Jar Battery

Electricity and Enlightenment go together like Benjamin Franklin and 100-dollar bills.

Inventions & Discoveries

On the Scent: The Discovery of PKU

A mother’s dogged search for the cause of her babies’ mental decline led to the discovery of a new disease.

People & Politics

Full Boyle

Robert Boyle is best known in chemistry classrooms for Boyle’s law, but the law was never stated outright in Boyle’s work.

Frank Field working with an ionization instrument at Humble Oil in the 1950s
People & Politics

An Emerging Field

Chemist Frank Field turned a hand-me-down mass spectrometer into pioneering career.

Early Science & Alchemy

Last Words

Even toward the end of his life, Isaac Newton still had questions about chemistry.

Health & Medicine

Early Solution

Was arsenic a poison or a salvation?

Health & Medicine

Fast Times: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of Amphetamine

Amphetamine didn’t cure anything, but it did make you feel better. Chemist Gordon Alles faced this paradox after patenting his discovery in 1932.

Arts & Culture

Stories of the Great Chemists

In the 1950s comic books took Mexico’s youth by storm. But alongside familiar superhuman avengers were other kinds of heroes: real-life chemists.


Industrial Vitamins

Rare earth metals are the vitamins of modern technology. How did this group of chemically dull elements become so important and so troublesome?

People & Politics

Factory to Farm

The 1944 Morgenthau Plan envisioned postwar Germany as an agrarian state. Fortunately, the Marshall Plan was adopted instead.

Early Science & Alchemy

Pandora’s Secrets

You can’t tell a book by its cover.

Detail of Franz Anton Mesmer portrait
Health & Medicine


The controversy around animal magnetism.

Inventions & Discoveries

Making the Process

By 1790 chemistry was the up-and-coming science. The products of chemistry—industrially useful salts, acids, and alkalis—would soon be measured not by the ounce (or the gram) but by the ton.

Color photo of old billiard balls on white background
Arts & Culture

Celluloid: The Eternal Substitute

Before becoming a synonym for cinema, celluloid was used to imitate expensive materials like ivory, tortoiseshell, and linen.

People & Politics

Behind the Barbed Wire of Manzanar: Guayule and the Search for Natural Rubber

Faced with a sudden shortage of rubber, the wartime United States turned to an unlikely place: a Japanese American internment camp in California.

Joseph Black
Inventions & Discoveries

That Beautiful Theory

Joseph Black, one of the first to realize that air was composed of many gases, isolated carbon dioxide, and discovered latent heat.