Distillations magazine

Unexpected Stories from Science’s Past

Controversy, Control, and Cosmetics in Early Modern Italy

In a society that damned women for both plainness and adornment, wearing makeup became a defiant act of survival.


Distillations articles reveal science’s powerful influence on our lives, past and present.

Arts & Culture

Dress for Success

For thousands of years silk symbolized wealth and style. But in the 1930s DuPont gave Americans the next best thing.

Arts & Culture

No Ill Nature: The Surprising History and Science of Poison Ivy and Its Relatives

Do you think of poison ivy as a scurrilous weed to be avoided at all costs? Think again! There was a time when the daring and curious found promise in poison ivy and its rash-inducing relatives.

Health & Medicine

Mind and Matter

In the early 1950s French physician Henri Laborit experienced a moment of serendipity that would fundamentally alter the landscape of psychiatry and mental illness.


Leaking Legacy

How did the Hanford nuclear facility become one of America’s most vexing environmental challenges? Jennifer Weeks explores the history and future of the site.

Illustration depicting an early 19th-century London street scene with citizens commenting on the recent invention of gas-lighting.
Inventions & Discoveries

Bright Light

Coal fueled the cities of the Industrial Revolution. But coal did far more than power steam engines and heat homes.


On Poisoned Ground

The largest accidental release of radioactivity in the United States did not occur in 1979 at Three-Mile Island. That very same year a collapsing dam released a flood of radioactive debris into the Navajo Nation.

Inventions & Discoveries

Dirty Business

Wars are often fought over resources, but as far as we know only one war has ever been fought over fertilizer.

People & Politics

First Lady

In 1667 Margaret Cavendish was the first woman allowed to visit the all-male bastion of the Royal Society, a newly formed scientific society. Who was this woman?

Inventions & Discoveries

Positive Effect

Meet J. J. Thomson, who disproved Einstein’s dictum that the man “who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of thirty will never do so.”

Early Science & Alchemy

The Secrets of Alchemy

Discover alchemy, the secret science!

Early Science & Alchemy

Carried Away

In the 17th century, experimentalists were only beginning to understand the connections among blood, respiration, and air.

People & Politics

Over the Wall: Six Stories from East Germany

When Communist East Germany built a wall across Berlin, it created two different cities, two different countries, and for scientists two different careers.

Arts & Culture

The Real Thing: How Coke Became Kosher

As Coca-Cola’s popularity spread in the United States in the 1920s, rabbis around the country asked, is Coke kosher?


Life in Space

The chemistry of the universe may help explain the presence of life on Earth.

A depiction of Jābir ibn Hayyan, after a 15th century portrait.
Early Science & Alchemy

What’s in a Name?

Jābir ibn Hayyan, whose name is inextricably bound to the foundations of alchemy, is a man of mystery.

Arts & Culture

A Blaze of Crimson Light: The Story of Neon

Neon is a dull and invisible gas until it’s trapped in a tube and zapped with electricity. Literally pulled out of thin air, it became a symbol of progress and an essential component of the electronic age.

People & Politics

For Love of the Lab

Reatha Clark King wanted to be a research chemist, so she made the journey from the segregated South to Illinois. At the University of Chicago her dreams came true.

Early Science & Alchemy

Alchemists, Unite!

Boyle’s Sceptical Chymist (London, 1661) is an acknowledged landmark of science. But the book’s reputation is based less on what it is than on what it is perceived to be.