The Science History Institute Museum is closed for renovations.
The Othmer Library remains open by appointment.

Distillations magazine

Unexpected Stories from Science’s Past

The Comet Panic of 1910, Revisited

A recent discovery in a remote Puerto Rican cave sheds new light on the hysteria that greeted Halley’s Comet a century ago.


Distillations articles reveal science’s powerful influence on our lives, past and present.

Arts & Culture

Science and Disability

Scientists with disabilities have frequently faced intolerance and prejudice in their careers.

People & Politics

A History of Violence

A painting bears the mark of Nazi brutality but also speaks to our capacity for kindness and bravery.

Inventions & Discoveries

Ingredients for Success

Is the mayonnaise substitute Just Mayo the future of food or just another product from the hype machine?

Hand holding a jar of golden rice. Green grass in the background.
Inventions & Discoveries

Feast or Famine

GMOs are one of the great success stories of the postwar era. So why do many find this technology so distasteful?

People & Politics

Ladies Who Launch

Computers have always been central to NASA’s accomplishments: they just used to be women.

Arts & Culture

Love, Peace, and Technoscience

Hippies of the 1960s and 1970s were not necessarily the technophobes they are often made out to be.

Health & Medicine

The Age of Scurvy

In a time of warring empires and transoceanic voyages, sailors dreaded scurvy more than any other disease.

Arnold O. Beckman and Ken Peters
Inventions & Discoveries

A Covert Success Story

In the 1950s, a devious oil company created a television show to flatter industrialists and win their business.

People & Politics

A Life in Science

The highs and lows of lab life.

People & Politics

Richard Nixon and the Rise of American Environmentalism

How a Republican president ushered in the EPA.

People & Politics

A Tear Gas Tale

How the chemical agent made the transition from wartime weapon to domestic police tool.

Inventions & Discoveries

Women’s Work

The jogging craze of the 1970s required a change of equipment.

Health & Medicine

A Recipe for Good Health

John Harvey Kellogg’s Battle Creek Sanitarium was at the intersection of new ideas of religion, health, and nutrition.

Health & Medicine

A Killer of a Cure

For more than a century ozone therapy has been a source of false hope for the sick and ill-gotten gains for the crooked.

People & Politics

A Forgotten Star

A discovery by Indian scientist and statesman Meghnad Saha revealed the nature of stars.

Inventions & Discoveries

Hacking Humans

Dissatisfied with the limitations of the human body, some people are modifying themselves with electronic compasses and magnetic implants.

People & Politics

Waging War on Immigration and Science

Remembering a Holocaust survivor, immigrant, and inventor.


Beyond Silent Spring: An Alternate History of DDT

Our histories of the infamous chemical often conflict with the facts.