Please note our museum hours while we undergo renovations.
Museum HoursWed–Fri: 12:30pm–5pm | Sat: 10am–5pm
Sarah in museum wearing black shirt

Sarah Schneider

Program Associate, Center for Oral History

Sarah Schneider is a public and oral historian who works in the Institute’s Center for Oral History. She has an interest in preserving and sharing immigration stories in the oral history collection. Sarah previously worked in a Holocaust museum and in a Jewish museum, and for her Master’s thesis, she conducted research about children who fled Nazism via France. Sarah holds a BA in American studies from Brandeis University and an MA in history (public history track) from the University of Central Florida.

More from Sarah Schneider

world map

Migrating Science: Stories of Immigration and Innovation

Highlighting the journeys and contributions of scientists who immigrated to the United States in the 20th century.

Oral history bound copies, recorder, microphone

Stories Untold

Why oral history is critical for the history of science and engineering.

Origami paper crane made by Yoichiro Ito

Lost Stories and Missed Opportunities

What we can no longer learn from Yoichiro Ito.

immigration form 576

Leaving Limitations Behind

Scientists’ memories of migration.

graphic depicting immigration papers and birth control pills

Migrating Science: Stories of Immigration and Innovation

This ExhibitLab display featured oral history interview excerpts, museum objects, and archival materials from our collections.

Black and white family photo

Yue Xiong’s Great Leap

A promising young man from a politically marked family navigates China’s era of Maoist upheaval.