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Sarah Everts

Ullyot Scholar

As an Ullyot Scholar at the Institute, Sarah Everts worked on her project “Sweat Science: The Science, Culture, History, and Commercialization of Perspiration, the Chemical Cocktail That Humanity Produces in Abundant Amounts.”

More from Sarah Everts

Information Overload

Data overload is nothing new. How have people in the past managed their versions of big data?

A Brief History of Chemical War

For more than 2,000 years human ingenuity has turned natural and synthetic poisons into weapons of war.

Processed: Food Science and the Modern Meal

The early 20th century was an especially rich time for creating ways to process and preserve food.

Over the Wall: Six Stories from East Germany

When Communist East Germany built a wall across Berlin, it created two different cities, two different countries, and for scientists two different careers.