Please note our museum hours while we undergo renovations.
Museum HoursWed–Fri: 12:30pm–5pm | Sat: 10am–5pm
Rigo sitting on steps and leaning back on his left arm. He is wearing black glasses and a grey T-shirt. He is smiling.

Rigoberto Hernandez

Video and Podcast Producer

Rigoberto Hernandez joined our organization in 2015 as the assistant multimedia producer for Distillations. He holds a journalism degree from the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. He has interned at National Public Radio, the Oregonian, and the Orange County Register.

More from Rigoberto Hernandez

graphic showing a person in a mask and a scientific instrument

How Science Invented the Myth of Race: Race Correction

In the fifth and final session of this Roundtable course, we show how racial bias is built into medical instruments and introduce the medical students and doctors working to change it.

Collage showing news clips about Tuskegee syphilis experiment, and photograph of patients.

How Science Invented the Myth of Race: Bad Blood, Bad Science

In the fourth session of this Roundtable course, we explore how faulty beliefs about race biology influence American medicine.

The Alzheimer’s Copernicus Problem

Thirty years of research have failed to solve the Alzheimer’s riddle. Is the problem a blind embrace of scientific dogma?

Old illustration of a woman making tortillas with tools and handwritten notes.

The Ancient Chemistry Inside Your Taco

Dive into the world of nixtamalization, a chemical process that allowed the Mesoamerican empires to thrive and tacos to taste good.