Please note our museum hours while we undergo renovations.
Museum HoursWed–Fri: 12:30pm–5pm | Sat: 10am–5pm

Rebecca Kaplan

Rebecca Kaplan, a historian of medicine and public health, is an assistant professor at Oklahoma State University. Her research interests include animal health and disease, One Health, and global health.

Rebecca holds a PhD in the history of health sciences from the University of California, San Francisco, and an MS in epidemiology from the University of Texas School of Public Health. Before joining the Science History Institute Rebecca was the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellow at the Pulitzer Center, and she taught at UC Berkeley, Michigan State University, and UT Southwestern Medical School. She was a 2018–2020 Cain Fellow and 2020–2021 Fellow in Residence at the Science History Institute.

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Animals and the Making of Human Vaccines
Online Exhibition

High Steaks at the Border

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Animals and the Making of Human Vaccines

Learn about the role of animals and their cells in the development of lifesaving vaccines.

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Elia Kazan’s 1950 film noir finds new relevance in a moment gripped by pandemic and social unrest.

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The successes and shortcomings of the first Earth Day in 1970 still reverberate.

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Where Are My Children? Public Health in the Movies

The silent movie Where Are My Children? is more than a century old, but its central question—who “deserves” access to reproductive rights—still resonates today.