Patrick H. Shea
Chief Curator of Archives and Manuscripts
Patrick Shea is the chief curator of archives and manuscripts for the Othmer Library of Chemical History at the Science History Institute. His current responsibilities include archival acquisitions and donor relations, archival processing, reference, and the general administration of the Institute’s archival program.
Patrick has a BA in history from Salisbury University and an MA in the history of technology from the University of Delaware, where he was a fellow in the Hagley Graduate Program. He has been a professional archivist since 1998 and holds the professional designation of Certified Archivist from the ACA. He has worked for a variety of cultural institutions during this time, including the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History, the Rockefeller Archive Center, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Russo Museum for Business History and Technology, and the Science History Institute, which he joined in 2006.