Please note our museum hours while we undergo renovations.
Museum HoursWed–Fri: 12:30pm–5pm | Sat: 10am–5pm

Meir Rinde

Meir Rinde is a reporter at WHYY in Philadelphia.

More from Meir Rinde

The Murky Ethics of Wastewater Surveillance

By monitoring sewage, scientists can track disease outbreaks in near real time. But will the technology leave long-term privacy risks in its wake?

Confronting America’s Food Emergencies

Can a White House conference muster the political will to address the nation’s food insecurity and obesity crises? A summit from 1969 offers clues.

The Sun Queen and the Skeptic: Building the World’s First Solar Houses

In the mid-20th century, colleagues-turned-rivals Maria Telkes and Hoyt Hottel engineered new ways of heating American homes.

Poison Pill: The Mysterious Die-Off of India’s Vultures

India’s vultures have been driven to the brink of extinction in a matter of decades. Their loss threatens the well-being of the country’s human population.

Photo of woman standing beside a lectern

Interview: Sangeeta Bhatia

The biomedical researcher talks about her work using nanotechnology to detect and treat disease.

Portrait of young man in shirt and tie in front of colorful background

The Death of Jesse Gelsinger, 20 Years Later

Gene editing promises to revolutionize medicine. But how safe is safe enough for the patients testing these therapies?