The Science History Institute Museum is closed for renovations.
The Othmer Library remains open by appointment.

Joseph Rucker

More from Joseph Rucker

Making Gemstones

How hard can it be to make a gemstone? Plenty hard. People have been trying for almost 2,000 years, but success finally beckoned in 19th-century France.

No Ill Nature: The Surprising History and Science of Poison Ivy and Its Relatives

Do you think of poison ivy as a scurrilous weed to be avoided at all costs? Think again! There was a time when the daring and curious found promise in poison ivy and its rash-inducing relatives.

A Blaze of Crimson Light: The Story of Neon

Neon is a dull and invisible gas until it’s trapped in a tube and zapped with electricity. Literally pulled out of thin air, it became a symbol of progress and an essential component of the electronic age.