Beckman Center Fellows: 1987 to Present
The Beckman Center has hosted scholars from all parts of the world through its fellowships and programs. Below you will find a list of the diverse scholars who have held fellowships with us, along with their research topics and their affiliation at the time of the fellowship.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Janet Abbate
2003–2004 Garfield Fellow | Smithsonian Institution
The Development of Information Science Specialties, Information Retrieval, and Human Computer Interaction within Academic Computer Science, 1960s–1990s
Pnina Abir-Am
1996–1997 Othmer Scholar | Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology
History of Protein Structures in the United States and United Kingdom
Charlotte A. Abney Salomon
2019–2020 Price Fellow, 2020–2021 Cain Fellow | Yale University
Products of the Mineral Kingdom: Mineralogy in Sweden, 1750–1820
Basil Achilladelis
1998–1999 Othmer Scholar | Independent Scholar
Pharmaceutical Innovation: Revolutionizing Human Health
Stephen B. Adams
1998–1999 Othmer Scholar | Lucent Technologies
The Progression of the Chemical Industry during the 20th Century
1998 Cain Conference Fellow
The 20th-Century American Chemical Industry
Samuel Alberti
2017–2018 Cain Fellow | National Museum of Scotland
The Material Culture of Contemporary Science
Meagan S. Allen
2020–2023 Cain Fellow | Indiana University
Roger Bacon’s Medical Alchemy: Occult Remedies and the Quest to Prolong Life
Nicholas Allred
2022–2023 Allington Fellow | Rutgers University
Character Under the Influence in 18th-Century Britain
James Altena
1993–1994 Edelstein Fellow | University of Chicago
Science, Philosophy, and Social Reform in Imperial Germany
Siobhan Angus
2021–2022 Haas Fellow | Yale University
Camera Geologica: Materiality, Resource Extraction, and Photography
Thomas Apel
2016–2017 Haas Fellow | Menlo College
Translating Lavoisier: French Chemistry and the Making of American Science, 1790–1830
Kerri Arsenault
2022–2023 Ullyot Scholar
Body of Evidence: A New Biography of Rachel Carson
Sara Bassanelli
2024–2025 Doan Fellow University of Pavia, Italy
The Diplomacy of Standardization: Negotiating International Standards in Physics and Chemistry (1920s–1970s)
Ian Beamish
2012–2013 Haas Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
Saving the South: Printing Agricultural Improvement in the American South, 1820–1865
Jenny Beckman
2015–2016 Allington Fellow | Uppsala University
Berzelius, Publication, and Priority in the First Half of the 19th Century
Carin Berkowitz
2016 Cain Conference Fellow
Chemistry in the Americas, 1500–1800
Michael Berkowitz
2021–2022 Cain Fellow | University College London
Polaroid, Kodak, Color, and the Off-Color
Julie Bellemare
2021–2022 Cain Fellow | Bard Graduate Center
A New Creation of this Dynasty: Enamels, Glass, and the Deployment of Color in Qing China, 1700–1735
Nadia Berenstein
2014–2015 Haas Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Flavor Added
2024–2025 Haas Presidential Research Fellow | The New School
Elisabeth Berry Drago
2013–2014 Allington Fellow, 2014–2015 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Delaware
Thomas Wijck’s Painted Alchemists at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Practice
José Bertomeu-Sánchez
2010–2011 Doan Fellow | University of Valencia
Between Science and Crime: Mateu Orfila and 19th-Century Toxicology
Nicholas Best
2009–2010 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Indiana University
Lavoisier as Historian of Chemistry and Philosopher of Science
Arnav Bhattacharya
2023–2024 Doan Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Rejuvenating and Transforming the Body and the Nation: Overlapping Histories of Sexology and Endocrinology in Early to Mid-20th Century India
Nandini Bhattacharya
2014–2015 Herdegen Fellow | University of Dundee, United Kingdom
The Making of an Industrial Nation: A History of the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries in Indi
Charlotte Bigg
2009–2010 Allington Fellow | CNRS, Centre Alexandre Koyré, France
Spectroscopic Enterprises in the Early 20th Century
Donna Bilak
2019–2020 Allington Fellow | Columbia Univeristy
Transatlantic Chymistry: The Letters and Library of John Allin (1623–1683)
2013–2014 Edelstein Fellow | Bard Graduate Center
The Allegorical Laboratory: Michael Maier’s Alchemical Emblem Book Atalanta fugiens (1617)
Megan Black
2015–2016 Doan Fellow | George Washington University
From Mass Spectrometry to Landsat: Extractive Industries and State Technologies of Geological Prospecting in the 20th Century
David Black
2008–2009 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Mountainland Applied Technology College
The Elements Unearthed: Our Discovery and Usage of the Chemical Elements
Regina Lee Blaszczyk
2002–2003 Edelstein Fellow | Boston University
The Color Revolution
Victor D. Boantza
2006–2007 Neville Fellow | University of Toronto
(Al)Chemistry in the Scientific Revolution: The Case of Samuel C. Duclos
Dóra Bobory
2008–2009 Neville Fellow | Independent Scholar
An Experimental Noble Household: Decoding Count Battyanyi’s Letters on Medical-Alchemical Experiments
Bettina Bock von Wülfingen
2018–2019 Allington Fellow | Humboldt University of Berlin
Color: The Semiotics of Color in Scientific Diagrams (the Periodic Table and the Metabolic Map)
George Borg
2022–2023 National Science Foundation SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Beckman Center Postdoctoral Fellow in Residence
The Instrumental Revolution in Geochemistry
Mary Ellen Bowden
Research Fellow
Ashley Bowen
2019–2020 Mellon/ACLS Public Fellow
Jacqueline Boytim
2017–2018 Research Fellow
William Brock
2014–2015 Doan Fellow | University of Leicester, United Kingdom
A Very Short Introduction to the History of Chemistry
1990–1991 Edelstein Fellow | University of Leicester, United Kingdom
At the Sign of the Hexagon: An Illustrated History of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Since 1800
Nathan Brooks
2003–2004 Edelstein Fellow | New Mexico State University
A Biography of Dmitrii Mendeleev
Jeannette E. Brown
2004–2005, 2008–2009 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Independent Scholar
Telling Our Story: History of African American Women Chemists Project
Gregory J. Brust
2000–2001 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | University of Southern Mississippi
Historical Research on the Synthetic Rubber Industry in Order to Create a Multimedia, Educational Website about the History and Development of the Industry
Christiane Buès-Chabas
2000–2001 Ullyot Scholar | Académie d’Aix-Marseille, France
The History of the Concept of the Mole in Physics and Chemistry, and Its Reception in Research Circles and Laboratories
Stefania Buosi Moncunill
2021–2022 Allington Fellow | University of Barcelona, Spain
The Vernacularisation of Alchemy in the Occitan-Catalan Area: The Alchemical Working Manuscripts (Pseudo-Lull, Pseudo-Arnau, John of Rupescissa and Others)
Colin “Brad” Burke
2000–2001 Garfield Fellow | University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The History of Computer-Based Scientific Information Systems and Related Government Policies from the Early 1950s to the 1990s
Ella Butler
2014–2015 Doan Fellow | University of Chicago
Producing Taste: Science and the Senses in the U.S. Processed Food Industry
Andrew Butrica
2012–2013 Doan Fellow | Independent Scholar
Jean-Baptiste Dumas: Promoter of Chemical Industry
Jo Ann Caplin
2009–2010 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Science+Art: Chemistry and Visualizations/Chemistry and Authentication of Art
2006–2007 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Temple Unveristy/Science Television Workshop
The Chemistry of Paint as Used in Art
Alberto Cambrosio
2010 Cain Conference Fellow | McGill University
Personalizing Medicine Here and Now: Empirical Studies of Post-Genomic Medicine
Luis Campos
2025 Cain Conference Fellow | Rice University
The Spirit of Asilomar and the Future of Biotechnology
Marcus Carrier
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | Bielefeld University
Chemistry without Substance: The History and Epistemic Status of Computational Chemistry
Cari Casteel
2016–2017 Price Fellow | Auburn University
The Odor of Things: Deodorant, Gender, and Olfaction in the United States
David Caudill
2007–2008 Fellow | Villanova University
Popular Images of Chemical Expertise, Past and Present: At the Intersection of Law and Chemistry
Max Cavitch
2023–2024 Ullyot Scholar | University of Pennsylvania
Ashes: A History of Thought and Substance
John Ceccati
2009–2010 Haas Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The Development of Pure Yeast Culture in the Brewing Industry and Its Influence on Practices and Instruments of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
1999–2000 Edelstein Fellow | University of Chicago
Connections between the Brewing Industry of 19th-Century Germany and the Dye Industry of the Same Time Period
Augustin Cerveaux
2007–2008 Cain Fellow | Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
From an Art to a Science: Changes in Paint Chemistry and Technology in Progressive-Era America and the Great Depression
2011–2012 Ullyot Scholar | Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
From Bulk Chemistry to Nanoparticles: Another Root for Nanotechnology?
Edward Chappell
2023–2024 Science History Institute Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The Secrets of Wine: Winemaking Manuals, Books of Secrets, and Knowledge in Early Modern Italy
Charnell Chasten Long
2021–2022 Ullyot Scholar | University of Wisconsin, Madison
Fugitive Science Society: A Black Scientific Community’s Vision for Science Education
John Christie
2016 Cain Conference Fellow
Chemistry in the Americas, 1500–1800
Leo Chu
2024–2025 Cain Fellow | University of New South Wales, Australia
From Green Revolution to Green Chemistry: The Chemical Foundation of Sustainable Agriculture, 1960–2010
Sibrina N. Collins
2024 Cain Conference Fellow | Lawrence Technological University
Storytelling as Pedagogy: Historical Biographies in STEM and Social Studies
Elena Conis
2015–2016 Cain Fellow | Emory University
The DDT Myths
Steven Conn
2017 Cain Conference Fellow | Miami University
Where to Put It All? Some Thoughts about Collections, Museums, and History
Cecilio M. Cooper
2024–2025 Price-Doan Postdoctoral Fellow
South of Heaven: Surface, Territory + the Black Chthonic
Angela Cope
2017–2018 Doan Fellow | York University
Plastics: Investigating the Childhood of Modernity’s Most Pejorative Material
Al Coppola
2024–2025 Otlet Senior Fellow | John Jay College, CUNY
Enlightenment Visibilities
Armel Cornu
2022–2023 Price Fellow | Uppsala Unversity
The Transmission of Sensory Knowledge in 18th-Century Chemistry
Matthew Crawford
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | Kent State University
Where Was the Enlightenment? Silver Mining, Technology, and Expertise in Late Colonial Peru, 1780–1820
2017–2018 Doan Fellow | Kent State University
How Drugs Became Modern: The Transition from Botanical Medicaments to Chemical Drugs in Western Medicine
2010–2011 Garfield Fellow | Kent State University
Chemistry in the 18th-Century Spanish Atlantic: An Underappreciated Imperial Science?
Alex Csiszar
2013–2014 Haas Fellow | Harvard University
The Rise of the Scientific Journal in Britain and France
Helen Curry
2011–2012 ACLS/Mellon Fellow | Yale University
Accelerating Evolution, Engineering Life: Science, Agriculture, and Technologies of Genetic Modification, 1925–1955
Arthur Daemmrich
2003 Cain Conference Fellow | Cornell University
Risk and Safety in Medical Innovation
2002 Cain Conference Fellow | Cornell University
Industry and Governance: Changing Relations among Science-Based Corporations, Government, and the Public
2001–2002 Cain Fellow | Cornell University
Corporate Governance: Changing Relations among Science-Based Industry, States, and the Public
2000–2001 Price Fellow | Cornell University
Pharmaceutical Regulation: The Science and Politics of Health in the United States and Germany
Britt Dahlberg
2014–2015 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Envisioning Postindustrial Futures: Community Activism and Government Environmental Health Science
Dane Thor Daniel
2005–2006 Neville Fellow | Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology
The Theory-Praxis Relationship in Paracelsus’s Medical Treatments
Anastasia Day
2017–2018 Allington Fellow | Hagley Program, University of Delaware
Productive Plots: Nature, Nation, and Industry in the Victory Gardens of the U.S. World War II Home Front
Deanna Day
2017 Cain Conference Fellow
My Data, My Self: A Century of Self-Tracking Health Technologies
2014–2015 Haas Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Teaching through Toys: Girls Experiencing Science and Technology from Chemistry Sets to the American Girl Dolls
2012–2013 Price Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
98.6: Fevers, Fertility, and the Patient Labor of American Medicine
Kristin DeGhetaldi
2014–2015 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Delaware
Analytical Methods Used to Explore the Evolution from Egg to Oil Paints in Quattrocento Italy
Ute Deichmann
1996–1997 Edelstein Fellow | Universität zu Köln, Germany
The Fate of Jewish Chemists in Nazi Germany and the Effect of Their Expulsion on Chemistry and Biochemistry
Juan Luis Delgado
2013–2014 Doan Fellow | University of La Rioja
Chemical Industry and Chemicals in Spanish Gum Resin Industry, 19th–20th Centuries
John Dettloff
1997–1998 Edelstein Fellow | Princeton University
Chemistry and Culture in France, 1770–1800
David DeVorkin
2016 Cain Conference Fellow | National Air and Space Museum
Life in the Universe: Past and Present
Lloyd DeWitt
2001–2002 Price Fellow | Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Shift in How Chemistry Was Viewed by Outsiders during and after the 17th Century
Nikhil Joseph Dharan
2023–2024 Mistry Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Colonial Alchemies: Chemical Knowledge and Industrialization in South India, 1914–1935
Brian Dick
2016–2017 Research Fellow
Michelle DiMeo
2013–2014 Allington Fellow | College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh (1615–1691): The Intellectual Life of Robert Boyle’s Older Sister
Adrian Dingle
2014–2015 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | The Westminster Schools
A History of the Chemical Elements—the Who, What, When, and Where
Mark Dorfman
2002–2003 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | University of North Carolina
Enhancing Public Education of the Concept of Biomimicry and Its Crucial Relationship to the Evolution and Advancement of a Sustainable Chemical Industry
E. A. Driggers
2014–2015 Edelstein Fellow | University of South Carolina
Networks of Nature: Chemistry and the Revival of Humoral Theory
Gildo dos Santos
2013–2014 Ullyot Scholar | University of São Paulo
Ida Noddack and the Universal Function of Matter
David Dunning
2022–2023 Herdegen Fellow | University of North Carolina
To Program Language: A History of What We Talk with in the Age of Computing
Taylor Dysart
2023–2024 Allington Dissertation Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The Scientist and the Jaguar: Wondrous Plants and the Politics of Knowledge in the Amazon
Roger Eardley-Pryor
2017–2018 Beckman Legacy Project Fellow
Michael Egan
2004–2005 Haas Fellow | Washington State University
The History of Mercury Use in America
Sarah Ehlers
2016–2017 Doan Fellow | University of Leicester
Pharmaceutical Crossings: Chemotherapeutic Research between Europe, Colonial Africa, and the United States
Matthew Eisler
2004–2005 Ullyot Scholar | University of Alberta
The Different Ways Researchers Have Attempted to Develop a Better Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) in the Latter Half of the 20th Century
George Daniel Elliott
2019–2020 Ullyot Scholar | Brown University
Alchemy in the Home: Colonial Connecticut and Household Science in the 17th-Century Anglo-Atlantic
Martha Espinosa
Duke University
The Cold Contraceptive War: Mexico’s ‘Demographic Explosion’ and the Geopolitics of Reproduction
James J. Esposito III
2021–2022 Haas Fellow | The Ohio State University
Between ‘Oxygen Sense’ and Sensors – The Embodied Experience of Anoxia at Earth’s Extremes 1939–1955
Sarah Everts
2011–2012 Ullyot Scholar | Chemical & Engineering News
Sweat Science: The Science, Culture, History, and Commercialization of Perspiration, the Chemical Cocktail That Humanity Produces in Abundant Amounts
Heather Ewing
2008–2009 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Smithsonian Institution Archives
The Circle of James Smithson: Mapping an International 18th-Century Community
Thomas Faith
2006–2007 Price Fellow | George Washington University
Peacetime Applications of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service Research
Meredith Farmer
2014–2015 Allington Fellow | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Melville’s Ontology
Gabriele Ferrario
2007–2008 Neville Fellow | Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari
The Arabic and Hebrew Manuscripts of the Liber de aluminibus et salibus
Roksana Filipowska
2015–2016 Doan Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Polymorphous Plasticity: 1960s Artist Experiments in Plastic as Speculative Thought
Gerard Fitzgerald
1999–2000 Haas Fellow | Carnegie Mellon University
Relationship between Scale-Up Technologies Developed for Penicillin Manufacture and Aerosol Technology as It Pertained to Biological Weaponry, 1920–1960
2001–2002 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Carnegie Mellon University
On Biological Weapons Technology Growing out of Evolving Public Health Technologies and Scientific Practices of the Interwar Period
2005–2006 Edelstein Fellow | Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology
The Role Played by Scientists and Physicians Who Experimented with the Application of Germicidal Chemicals in the Hopes of Producing Infection-Free Hospital and Living Spaces
Faye Flam
2015–2015 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Bloomberg
Backstory, or How Did They Think of That?
James Rodger Fleming
2011 Cain Conference Fellow | Colby College
Chemical Weather and Chemical Climate: Body, Place, Planet in Historical Perspective
Anna Foy
2008–2009 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The Georgic and the Common Weal: Promises of West Indian Improvement from Samuel Martin’s An Essay upon Plantership (1750) to James Grainger’s The Sugar-Cane (1764)
Lynne Friedman
2016–2017 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Freelance Science Writer
Ink Chemists of the Industrial Revolution
Ute Freitsch
2016–2017 Beckman Center Fellow | Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Hidden Helpers? An Investigation into Women’s Activities in Early Modern Alchemy/Chymistry
Yasu Furukawa
1992–1993 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Tokyo Denki University, Japan
History of Polymer Chemistry
Margaret Garber
2002–2003 Haas Fellow | University of California, San Diego
Labors of Light: Optics and Chymical Philosophy in Post-Rudolfine Prague (1611–1670)
Deborah Garwood
2022–2023 Otlet Fellow | Drexel University
Exploring Collaborative Documentary Practices for Science History Institute’s Oral History Collection
Stefano Gattei
2014–2015 Othmer Scholar/Edelstein Fellow | IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
Beyond Galileo: Medicine, Alchemy, and Natural Philosophy at the Lyncean Academy
Kostas Gavroglu
1992–1993 Edelstein Fellow
Francesco Gerali
2015–2016 Doan Fellow | University of Oklahoma
Succinum Resolutum, Hertzerde, and Petroline: Shaping the Idea of Petroleum between 1600 and 1800
Louis Gerdelan
2022–2023 Haas Fellow | Harvard University
Catastrophic Knowledge: The Investigation of Disaster in the British, Spanish and French Atlantic Worlds, ca.1605–1780
Apostolos Gerontas
2014–2015 Doan Fellow | Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Large-Scale Chromatography in Industrial Processing
2011–2012 Garfield Fellow | Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Writing the History of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Susannah Glickman
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | Columbia University
Quantum, Tech, and the New Central Planning
2023–2024 Haas Fellow | Stony Brook University
Histories, Tech, and a New Central Planning
Stephen Z. Goldberg
1999–2000 Dreyfus Fellow | Adelphi University
Developing a Curriculum and Coursework on Chemistry in Art and Archaeology
Thea Goldring
2023–2024 Allington Fellow | Harvard University
Drawing Nature: Carême de Fécamp and Scientific Drawing in the Long 18th Century
Jan Golinski
2012–2013 Distinguished Fellow | University of New Hampshire
Rocio Gomez
2018–2019 Science History Institute Fellow | University of Arkansas
Victors and Vanadium: Scientific Discovery during Mexico’s War of Independence
William Goodwin
2010–2011 Allington Fellow | Rowan University
Resolving a Controversy: The Non-Classical Ion Debate
Hugh Gorman
2003–2004 Haas Fellow | Michigan Technological University
The Evolution of the System to Measure, Monitor, and Manage Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides
Daniel Graham
2022–2023 Mistry Fellow | Slippery Rock University
Structures of Change in a Chemical Age
Kate Grauvogel
2018–2019 Allington Fellow | Indiana University
A Gendered History of Pathology: Women, Hormones, and Blood Clots, 1784–1969
Jacob Older Green
2021–2022 Cain Fellow | University of California, Los Angeles
The Psychology of Mind-Altering Drugs: 1870–1938
Jeremy A. Greene
2023 Cain Conference Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
Science in Humanities, Humanities in Science: Embedded Connections
Spring Greeney
2016–2017 Doan Fellow | University of Wisconsin, Madison
What Clean Smells Like: An Environmental History of Doing the Wash, 1841–1992
Ari Gross
2012–2013 Allington Fellow | University of Toronto
Structure and Spatiality: Chemical Diagrams and Models and the Birth of Stereochemistry
Benjamin Gross
2012–2013 Cain Fellow
The Engineer’s Toolkit: Passive Components and the American Electronics Industry
2009–2010 Price Fellow | Princeton University
Crystallizing Innovation: LCD Research at RCA, 1956–1974
Matthias Grote
2014–2015 Ullyot Scholar | Technische Universität Berlin
From “Total Synthesis” to Synthetic Biology? Making Biomolecules with Reagents, Enzymes, and Machines, 1960s–1980s
Rebecca Guenard
2013–2014 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Temple University
Lab Rats: A Chemistry Television Variety Program
Catherine Guise-Richardson
2010–2011 Ullyot Scholar | Mississippi State University
“Mind and Matter: The Development and Marketing of Thorazine and Stelazine at Smith, Kline & French”
2008–2009 Price Fellow | Iowa State University
“Mother’s Little Helper, or, the Tax-Deductible Martini: A History of Valium Development, Use, and Control in the United States”
Christopher Halm
2019–2020 Doan Fellow | University of Regensburg
Marl and Soil Analyses in the Early History of Agricultural Chemistry
Richard Hamerla
2006–2007 Doan Fellow | Case Western Reserve University
History of Bioweapons Development and Deployment
1998–1999 Doan Fellow | University of Oklahoma
Science on the American ‘Frontier’: The Chemistry of Edward Williams Morley, 1869–1906
Christopher Hamlin
2006 Cain Conference Fellow | University of Notre Dame
Towards a History and Philosophy of Expertise
2005–2006 Doan Fellow | University of Notre Dame
A Comparative Study of Communities of 19th-Century Urban Chemists, Exploring Patterns of Professionalization, and the Balancing of Entrepreneurship, Research, and Public Service
Dehlia Hannah
2013 Cain Conference Fellow | Arizona State University
Sensing Change: Environmental Issues in Art and Science
Owen Hannaway
1993–1994 Edelstein Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
Georgius Agricola: History of Chemical Laboratories
Nicholas Harris
2013–2014 Price Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Better Religion through Chemistry: Aydemir al-Jildakī and Alchemy under the Mamluks
Lisa Haushofer
2015–2016 Haas Fellow | Harvard University
Edible Health: Physiological Chemistry, Public Health, and Consumer Medicinal Food Products, 1884–1939
Harry Hecht
2001–2002 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | South Dakota State University
A Series of Essays on a Variety of Chemical Topics That Are of General Interest
Georgiana Hedesan
2013–2014 Allington Fellow | Oxford University
The Pursuit of Universal Medicine: Alchemical Prolongation of Life and Christianity in 17th-Century Paracelsian and Helmontian Thought
Kit Heintzman
2017–2018 Cain Fellow | Harvard University
Administering the Animal: Veterinary Education and the Making of the French Domestic, 1761–1814
Isabelle Held
2018–2019 Doan Fellow, 2020–2022 Price/Doan Fellow | Victoria & Albert Museum/Royal College of Art, London
Designing the Bombshell: Military-Industrial Materials R&D and the Shaping of Women’s Bodies in the US, 1939–1976
Eva Hemmungs Wirtén
2015–2016 Otlet Fellow | Linkoping University
Big Bibliography: Science under the Weight of Information Overload
Marieke Hendricksen
2016–2017 Ullyot Scholar | Utrecht University
Boerhaave’s Mineral Chemistry and Its Influence on 18th-Century Pharmacy
Emmanuel Henry
2014–2015 Presidential Fellow
Evan Hepler-Smith
2013–2014 and 2023 Herdegen Fellow | Princeton University
Nominally Rational: Systematic Nomenclature and the Structures of Organic Chemistry, 1889–1935
Hiro Hirai
2020–2021 Science History Institute Fellow | Columbia University
Pseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Science and Medicine
2008–2009 Edelstein Fellow | Ghent University
Matter and Life in the Natural Philosophy of Daniel Sennert
Sarah Hijmans
2022–2023 Doan Fellow | Université de Paris
Between the Scientific and the Domestic: Anna Sundström’s Work in Berzelius’s House, 1819–1835
Eric Hintz
2005–2006 Ullyot Scholar | University of Pennsylvania
The Dual ‘Careers’ of Electro-Chemical Inventor Samuel Ruben and His Most Famous Invention, the Mercuric Oxide Dry Cell ‘Button’ Battery
Alexandre Hocquet and Frédéric Wieber
2018–2019 Otlet Fellow | University of Lorraine
Software Packages in Computational Chemistry
Jessica Hogbin
2024–2025 Allington Fellow | Syracuse University
Innumerable Melancholies: Medicine and Mental Health in Renaissance Italy
Ernst Homburg
2015–2016 Presidential Fellow
Nancy Hopkins-Evans
1998–1999 Ullyot Scholar | Rutgers University
The Contributions of African-Americans to Industrial Chemical Research, Focusing on the Period between 1940 and 1980
Roger Horowitz
2009–2010 Cain Fellow | Hagley Museum and Library
American Kosher: How Orthodox Jews, Food Companies, and Chemistry Created Modern Kosher Food
Alexandra Hui
2022 Cain Conference Fellow | Mississippi State University
Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together
Stephen Irish
2017–2018 Presidential Fellow
Catherine Jackson
2011–2012 Cain Fellow | University College London
Material World: Analysis, Synthesis, and the Making of Modern Chemistry
Rebecca L. Jackson
2022–2023 Doan Fellow | Indiana University
Measuring ‘Well:’ Clinical Measuring Practices and Philosophy of Measurement
Frank James
2021–2022 Cain Fellow | University College London
Humphry Davy: Enlightenment Chemist, Poet, Social Climber
Jeremiah James
2000–2001 Edelstein Fellow | Harvard University
Linus Pauling and Intellectual Genesis of ” The Nature of the Chemical Bond
Lijing Jiang
2017–2018 Allington Fellow | Yale University
Of Goldfish and Scientists: Pets, Food, and Biology in Modern China
2012–2013 Allington Fellow | Arizona State University
Degeneration in Miniature: History of Cell Death and Aging Research in the 20th Century
Timothy Johnson
2014–2015 Allington Fellow | University of Georgia
Growth Industry: Unearthing the Origins of Fertilizer-Fueled Agriculture in America, 1865–1950
Jeffrey A. Johnson
2014–2015 Allington Fellow | Villanova University
From Frankenstein to Artificial Life: Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Dolly Jørgensen
2023 Cain Conference Fellow | University of Stavanger, Norway
Science in Humanities, Humanities in Science: Embedded Connections
Finn Arne Jørgensen
2024–2025 Science History Institute Senior Fellow | University of Stavanger, Norway
Gaming Green Transitions: Petrocultures and Societal Change in Environmental Board Games
Laura Anne Kalba
2012–2013 Ullyot Scholar | Smith College
Color in the Age of Impressionism: Technology, Commerce, and Art
Sofiya Kamalova
2022–2023 Seidel Fellow | University of Valencia
The Making of Toxic Ignorance in Occupational Health: The Ardystil Syndrome, a Collective Intoxication at the Workplace in Late 20th-Century Spain
Stylianos Kampouridis
2014–2015 Allington Fellow | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Bytes as Test Tubes: The Emergence of Computational Quantum Chemistry
Judith Kaplan
2023–2025 Cain Curatorial Fellow | Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Focus: Scientific Biographies
Rebecca Kaplan
2018–2020 Cain Fellow | ACLS Public Fellow, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
Treating Animals: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the United States during the 19th and 20th Centuries
Allison B. Kavey
2005–2006 Neville Fellow | Gonzaga University
The Changing Constructions of Desire in Popular Natural Philosophical Texts Printed in England Between 1580 and 1680
Gwen Kay
1999–2000 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | SUNY Oswego
The Career Paths of Women Cosmetic Chemists
Carla Keirns
1998–1999 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The History of Asthma, Including Its Causes and Its Cures
Andrew Kettler
2023–2024 Science History Institute Fellow | University of South Carolina-Palmetto College
The Miasmic Theft of Modernity: A Global History of Sulfur
Melanie Kiechle
2010–2011 ACLS/Mellon Public Fellow, 2011–2012 Haas Fellow | Rutgers University
The Air We Breathe: 19th-Century Americans and the Search for Fresh Air
Yoshiyuki Kikuchi
2008–2009 Edelstein Fellow | Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Sokendai, Japan
U.S.–Japan Scholarly Relations in Chemistry in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Mi Gyung Kim
1994–1995 Edelstein Fellow | Seoul National University
The Concept of Chemical Affinity and Wilhelm Ostwald’s Energetics
Joel Klein
2017–2018 Haas Fellow | Columbia University
Chymical Life in Early Modern Europe
2013–2014 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Indiana University
2012–2013 Edelstein Fellow | Indiana University
Chymistry, Corpuscular Medicine, and Controversy: The Ideas and Influence of Daniel Sennert (1572–1637)
Joseph Klett
2019–2020 Research Fellow
2017–2018 Beckman Legacy Project Fellow
Georgiana Kotsou
2019–2020 Fellow in Residence | Maastricht University
Vangelis Koutalis
2010–2011 Allington Fellow | University of Ioannina, Greece
The Historical Significance of Chemistry as a Philosophical Inquiry
Marcin Krasnodebski
2015–2016 Doan Fellow | University of Bordeaux
Pine Resin Chemistry and Industry in the United States in the First Half of the 20th Century
Prakash Kumar
2001–2002 Edelstein Fellow | Georgia Institute of Technology
The Transition from Natural to Artificial Dyestuffs: Science, Business, and Politics of Natural Indigo Manufacturing in Colonial India, 1890–1930
2002–2003 Ullyot Scholar | Georgia Institute of Technology
The Competitive Relationship between Natural and Synthetic Indigo at the Turn of the 20th Century
Elena Kunadt
2017–2018 Doan Fellow | University of Wuppertal
The Controversy about Atrazine: Ignorance in Environmental Issues
Sarah Lang
2021–2022 Herdegen Fellow/Beckman Center Fellow | University of Graz, Austria
Alchemical Encipherment and Practices of Secrecy: The Example of Michael Maier’s Viatorium (1618)
Colleen Lanier-Christensen
2018–2019 Ullyot Scholar | Harvard University
Making Laboratory Practice ‘Good’: Negotiating Transnational Toxicological Standards for Chemical Testing (1971–2010)
Michael Lansing
2018–2019 Doan Fellow | Augsburg University
The Cradle of Carbohydrates: Minneapolis and the Making of the World’s Food
Tayra Lanuza-Navarro
2010–2011 Edelstein Fellow | University of Valencia
Alchemy, Astrology, and Books of Secrets: Ideas and Practices before the Spanish Inquisition
Rebecca Laroche
2011–2012 Allington Fellow | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Placing Robert Boyle’s Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours in Dialogue with the Recipe Arch
Jongmin Lee
2011–2012 Edelstein Fellow | Virginia Tech
Regulatory Engineering in the EPA: Chemical Monitoring, Catalytic Converters, and the Controlled Environment
Victoria Lee
2023 Cain Conference Fellow | Ohio University
Science in Humanities, Humanities in Science: Embedded Connections
2012–2013 Ullyot Scholar | Princeton University
Synthetic Fermentation and Applied Biology in Japan, 1910–1960
Juan-Andres Leon
2013–2014 Bodensee Collection Postdoctoral Fellow/Cain Fellow | Harvard University
Mathematical Models in Polymer Research, 1940s–1970s: An Industry-Driven Theoretical Science?
Gustave Lester
2021–2022 Haas Fellow, 2022–2023 Fellow in Residence/Presidential Junior Fellow | Harvard University
Mineral Lands, Mineral Empire: Mapping the Raw Materials of U.S. Industrial Capitalism, 1780–1880
Bruce Lewenstein
2001–2002 Presidential Fellow/Garfield Fellow | Cornell University
Exploring the Role of Science Books in the Development of Science in the Post-WWII Era, Focusing on Chemistry
Lucía Lewowicz
2018–2019 Garfield Fellow | University of the Republic, Uruguay
(Re)constructing and Disseminating Scientific Knowledge: Liebig’s Laboratory in Fray Bentos, Uruguay, and the Curious Case of the Industrial Fertilizer
Max Liboiron
2012–2013 Allington Fellow | New York University
Transforming Pollution: Ocean Plastics and Body Burdens
Scott Lidgard
2012 Cain Conference Fellow | Field Museum of Natural History
E pluribus unum: Bringing Biological Parts and Wholes into Philosophical Perspective
Delanie Linden
2023–2024 Doan Fellow | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Other Colors: Chroma, Chemistry, and the Orient in 19th-Century French Painting
Claire Litt
2023–2024 Price-Doan Postdoctoral Fellow | Queen’s University, Canada
Real and Synthetic Stones as Materia Medica in Late Renaissance Medical Alchemy
Bernard Lightman
2015 Cain Conference Fellow | York University
Curators, Popularizers, and Showmen: Science in 19th-Century Anglo-American Exhibitions and Museums
Miriam F. Lipton
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | Oregon State University
Bacteriophages and Antibiotics: The History of Cold War Politics of Antibiotic Resistance
Daniel Liu
2014–2015 Price Fellow | University of Wisconsin, Madison
Molecules in Biology before Molecular Biology, 1890–1950
Bree Lohman
2024–2025 Haas Fellow | University of Toronto
Of Fallout and Outfall: National Insecurity, Public Health, and the Partial Containment of Hazards in the Occupied Arctic
Slawomir Lotysz
2007–2008 Price Fellow | University of Zielona Góra
Kevlar, Before and Beyond: The Amazing Transnational Quest for the Bulletproof Vest
Sarah Lowengard
2021–2022 Mistry Fellow | The Cooper Union
My Red Bandanas: The Waning Days and Afterlife of Turkey Red
Alice Lovejoy
2022–2023 Cain Distinguished Fellow | University of Minnesota
Cinema’s Militant Chemistry: Film and its Raw Materials
Jennifer Lupu
2023–2024 Haas Fellow | Northwestern University
Consuming Care: Pharmaceuticals Use and Access in Washington, D.C., 1850–1920
Raechel Lutz
2015–2016 Allington Fellow | Rutgers University
Disaster, Debate, and Defense: New Jersey’s Role in the Rise of Environmentalism
Alexandra Macdonald
2024–2025 Doan Fellow | College of William and Mary
Blue Gold: Indigo in the British World, 1680–1880
Pamela E. Mack
2003–2004 Ullyot Scholar | Clemson University
A Biographical Study of Dr. Ruth Patrick, Pioneer Environmental Scientist
Roy MacLeod
2008 Cain Conference Fellow | University of Sydney
The Dilemma of Dual Use
2007–2008 Edelstein Fellow | University of Sydney
Chemical Explosives Industry during and after the Great War and Institutional Questions Arising in the Development of ‘Dual Use’ Technologies
1995–1996 Cain Fellow | University of Sydney
A History of Chemical Engineering in Allied and German Ammunitions Factories during World War I
Anna Maerker
2017–2018 Doan Fellow | Kings College London
The Materiality of Models: Paper in Three Dimensions
Amanda Mahoney
2017–2018 Public History Fellow/2017 Cain Conference Fellow
My Data, My Self: A Century of Self-Tracking Health Technologies
Ian Marontate
2004–2005 Edelstein Fellow | Acadia University, Canada
Artists, Artists’ ‘Colormen,’ and the Chemical Industry: Networks of Technical Collaboration and Innovations in 20th-Century Artists’ Paints
Anaël Marrec
2020–2021 Haas Fellow | University of Nantes
Energy from Waste: France, USA, 1970s–1980s
Matteo Martelli
2009–2010 Edelstein Fellow | Universities of Bologna and Pisa
Greek Alchemical Works of Pseudo-Democritus: The Book On the Making of Precious Stones
Jessica Martucci
2019–2020 Research Fellow
Brendan Matz
2011–2012 Haas Fellow | Yale University
The Science of Nutrition in Germany and the United States, 1870–1920
John Walker Mauer
2003–2004 Ullyot Scholar | Clemson University
A Biographical Study of Dr. Ruth Patrick, Pioneer Environmental Scientist
Margaret Maurer
2022–2023 Allington Fellow | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Everyday Alchemy
Seymour H. Mauskopf
1988–1989 Price Fellow, 1999–2000 Edelstein Fellow | Duke University
The Experimental Study of Munitions: Scientific and Military Traditions
Leah McEwen
2013–2014 Garfield Fellow | Cornell UniversityResearching the Future through the History of Chemical Information
Odinn Melsted
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | Maastricht University
Chemical Perspectives: The Oil Industry, Geochemical Exploration Techniques, and Alternative Fuels Research in the 1970s
Joris Mercelis
2009–2010 Doan Fellow | Ghent University
Leo H. Baekeland (1863–1944): A Biography of an Entrepreneur
Donna A. Messner
University of Pennsylvania
The Origins of Medical Foods and Their Regulation
Daniel Jon Mitchell
2021–2022 Research Fellow
Cyrus Mody
2004–2005 Cain Fellow | Cornell University
The History of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope and the Atomic Force Microscope, and the Ways These Instruments Were Used to Weave Together Disparate Disciplines
2005 Cain Conference Fellow | Cornell University
Nano Before There Was Nano: Historical Perspectives on the Constituent Communities of Nanotechnology
Kirsten Moore-Sheeley
2016–2017 Haas Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
Nothing but Nets: History of Insecticide-Treated Nets, 1980s–Present
Jordi Mora Casanova
2010–2011 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Alchemical Reminiscences of Modern Chemists in the 19th Century
Elisabeth Moreau
2016–2017 Haas Fellow | Université Libre de Bruxelles
The Composition of Life and Health: Elements, Particles, and Atoms in Late Renaissance Physiology
Bruce Moran
2014–2015 Cain Fellow | University of Nevada, Reno
Leonhard Thurneisser and the Alchemy of Plants in the Early Modern Era
Juan Felipe Moreno
2017–2018 Cain Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
Surviving Coca Crop Fumigations in Southwestern Colombia
Gabriel Moshenska
2016–2017 Doan Fellow
Simone M. Müller
2017–2018 Allington Fellow | Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, University of Munich
Chemicals on Tour: Explorations into a Material History of the Global Waste Economy
Lucas Müller
2017–2018 Price Fellow | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Toxic Relationships: Toxicity, Cancer, and Science in the Postcolonial World
Peter Morris
1991–1992 Edelstein Fellow | Open University, United Kingdom
A Comparative Study of Polymer Innovations in Several Major Corporations and the Technological History of IG Farbenindustrie
Anna Mlasowsky
Artist in Residence
Enabling Transparency
Kate Luce Mulry
2021–2022 Ullyot Scholar | California State University, Bakersfield
‘It Nourisheth the Child in the Womb:’ Chocolate, Reproduction, and Colonization in 17th-Century Jamaica
David Munns
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Not a Decree of Fate: A New History of Eugenics
Jacob Myers
2024–2025 Allington Dissertation Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Noxious Life: Figuring Vermin in the Natural Histories of the British Caribbean
Samantha Nadel
2024–2025 Cain Dissertation Fellow | Boston University
Indigenous Contributions to Colorant Chemistry: The Influence of Mexican Cochineal Production Methods on European Scientists
Fred Nadis
2021–2022 Haas Fellow | Independent Scholar
Children, Science Education, and Play, from Tom Swift to Girl Coders
Christine Nawa
2010–2011/2011–2012 Price Fellow | Universität Regensburg
Robert Wilhelm Bunsen’s Research Style and His Teaching
Pap Ndiaye
1994–1995 Edelstein Fellow | École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
American Engineers and the Mutations of the American Political Economy, 1920–1960
Elizabeth Neswald
2019–2020 Doan Fellow | Brock University
Material Culture and Practices of Diabetes Management in the 20th Century
William Newman
2015–2016 Cain Fellow | Indiana University, Bloomington
The Alchemy of Isaac Newton: A New Appraisal
Amanda Nichols
2023–2024 Otlet Fellow | Oklahoma Christian University
The Role of Women Chemists in the Development of Molecular Structure Theory
Keith A. Nier
2002–2003 Beckman Center Fellow/Price Fellow | The Cooper Union
Diverging Ions and Converging Fields
Melanie Nilsson
2024–2025 Doan Senior Fellow | McDaniel College
Broadening the Representation of Chemists Highlighted by National Historic Chemical Landmarks
Tara Nummedal
2001–2002 Edelstein Fellow | Stanford University
The Lives and Labor of Men and Women Who Practiced Alchemy in Early Modern Central Europe
Lynn Nyhart
2012 Cain Conference Fellow | University of Wisconsin–Madison
E pluribus unum: Bringing Biological Parts and Wholes into Philosophical Perspective
Ingrid Ockert
2018–2020 Haas Fellow | Princeton University
The Scientific Storytellers: How Educators, Scientists, and Actors Televised Science
Sean O’Neil
2023–2024 Herdegen Fellow | Hong Kong Baptist University
The Art of Signs: Symbolic Notation and Visual Thinking in Early Modern Europe
Douglas O’Reagan
2014–2015 Seidel Fellow | University of California, Berkeley
Industrial Espionage, Tech Transfer, and Diplomacy in the 20th Century
Declan O’Reilly
2003–2004 Price Fellow | University of London, United Kingdom
The Relationship Between Standard Oil of New Jersey and IG Farben of Germany, 1925–1945
Gwen Ottinger
2005–2006 Haas Fellow | University of California, Berkeley
The Linkages Made by Petrochemical Companies between Local Community Relations and Public Relations
Cesare Pastorino
2010–2011 Neville Fellow | Indiana University
Minerall Tryalls: Metal Assaying and Experiment in Early Modern England
2006–2007 Cain Fellow | Indiana University
The Mythological Symbolism of Proteus in the Renaissance and Baroque Alchemical Texts
Rohini Patel
2022–2023 Haas Fellow | University of Toronto
Chemical Modernities: Politics of Production, Waste, and Empire in Elmira, Ontario, 1940–2000
Gary Patterson
2004–2005 Price Fellow | Carnegie Mellon University
Paradigms in Polymer Science
Emily Pawley
2007–2008 Haas Fellow/Neville Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The Balance Sheet of Nature: Valuing the New York Farm, 1825–1860
Alexander Pechenkin
2010–2011 Allington Fellow | Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Social History of Quantum Chemistry in the USSR (1950–1991)
Silvia Pérez Criado
University of Valencia, Spain
DDT During Franco’s Regime in Spain (1940–1975): Chemical Industry, Agricultural Engineering, Public Health, and Occupational Hazards
Axel Petit
2015–2016 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Nantes
Walter J. Hamer (1907–2004): Electrochemistry at the National Bureau of Standards
Gabriella Petrick
2004–2005 Edelstein Fellow | University of Delaware
The Role of Technology and Science in the Industrial Development of Food in 20th-Century America
Ingemar Pettersson
2016–2017 Doan Fellow | Uppsala University
Masters of Flavor: Sensory Analysis and High Industrial Food
Edoardo Pierini
2022–2023 Allington Fellow | University of Geneva
Chemical Medicines and Dangerous Drugs: Sources and Impact of Angelo Sala’s Opiologia
Megan Piorko
2017–2018 Allington Fellow | Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Library as Laboratory: 17th-Century Alchemical Texts
2017–2018 Allington Fellow | Georgia State University
Dr. Arthur Dee and the Reception and Vernacularization of Alchemy in the Mid-17th Century
Jim Wynter Porter
2023–2024 Haas Fellow | Independent Scholar
‘Race,’ ‘Ability,’ and Chemistry Curriculum Development in the Mid-20th Century United States
Rosalind Powell
2022–2023 Haas Fellow | University of Bristol
Bodies of Knowledge: Discourses of Self-Experimentation in the Long 18th Century
John Powers
2024–2025 Cain Senior Fellow | Virginia Commonwealth University
Thermometers and the Senses in 18th-Century Chemistry
Catherine Price
2012–2013 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Freelance Journalist
Fortified: The Secret Science of Food
Lawrence Principe
2001–2002 Othmer Scholar | Johns Hopkins University
Alchemical Interpretations of the Works in the Fisher and Eddleman Collections at CHF
Jarmo Pulkkinen
2013–2014 Allington Fellow | University of Oulu
A. I. Virtanen: A Finnish ‘System-Builder’ behind AIV Butter Salt and AIV Method
Viviane Quirke
2013–2014 Doan Fellow | Oxford University
Chemistry and the History of Cancer Chemotherapy in the United States, 1940s–1990s
Evan Ragland
2009–2010/2010–2011 Edelstein Fellow | Indiana University
Chymistry and Medicine in Low Countries in the 17th Century: Laboratories and Experiments, Acids, and Alkalis
Ramya Rajagopalan
2017 Cain Conference Fellow
My Data, My Self: A Century of Self-Tracking Health Technologies
Jennifer Rampling
2008–2009 Neville Fellow | University of Cambridge
The Alchemical Reception of George Ripley (ca. 1415–1490)
LIsa Ruth Rand
2019–2021 Haas Fellow | Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Space Junk: A History of Waste in Orbit
Erik Rau
2002–2003 Garfield Fellow | Drexel University
Case Studies of Operational Research since 1953
Sara Ray
2019–2020 Science HIstory Institute Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Monsters in the Cabinet: Anatomical Collecting and Abnormal Bodies, 1697–1849
Jose Emmanuel Raymundo
2011–2012 Edelstein Fellow | Tulane University
National Skin: Contact, Conflict, and the Culion Leper Colony in the U.S.-Occupied Philippines, 1902–1941
W. Boyd Rayward
1999–2000 Garfield Fellow | University of New South Wales
Oral Histories with Prominent Information Scientists
Agnieszka Rec
2016–2017 Herdegen Fwllow | Yale University
Blood Is Thicker Than Aqua Regia: Alchemical Networks in Sixteenth-Century Central and Eastern Europe
Carten Reinhardt
1998–1999 Edelstein Fellow | University of Regensburg
History of Instrumentation in Post-1945 Chemistry
Maria Rentetzi
2021 Cain Conference Fellow | Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg
Diplomatic Studies of Science: The Interplay of Science, Technology, and International Affairs After the Second World War
Tristan Edward Revells
2019–2020 Mistry Fellow | Columbia University
From Bad Booze to Biofuel: Alcohol, Global Standards, and China’s First Alternative Energy Industry (1892–1946)
Raquel Reyes
2022–2023 Doan Fellow | School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Chemical Magic Bullets: American Food Science in the Tropics, 1902–1945
Sarah Reynolds
2018–2019 Science History Institute Fellow | Indiana University
Making Knowledge in the Laboratory: Intersections of Science, Philosophy, and Education in the Origins of American Laboratory Instruction
Jean-Olivier Richard
2016–2017 Cain Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
Mixture Makers: The Role of Mankind in Père Castel’s Matter Theory
Linda Richards
2013–2014, 2010–2011 Doan Fellow | Oregon State University
Unraveling Radiation History
Disrupting Hozho: A Comparative History of Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety in University Research and Uranium Mining
Marlise Rijks
2016–2017 Doan Fellow | Ghent University
By Human Hands: Counterfeiting Nature in Early Modern Europe
Donna Rilling
2004 Cain Conference Fellow | SUNY Stony Brook
City, Industry, and Environment in Transatlantic Perspective
2003–2004 Cain Felow | SUNY Stony Brook
Early Industrial Pollution in the Greater Delaware Valley
Justin Rivest
2015–2016 Price Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
From Orviétan to Ipecacuanha: Patent Pharmaceuticals, Iatrochymistry, and the Absolutist State in France
Jody A. Roberts
2006–2007 Cain Fellow | Chemical Heritage Foundation
Redesigning the Chemical Sciences: Promises, Problems, and Potential for Scientific Movements
2007 Cain Conference Fellow | Chemical Heritage Foundation
New Chemical Bodies
2005–2006 Price Fellow | Virginia Polytechnic and State University
The Controversy over the Regulation of the Chemical Pesticide Atrazine
Lissa L. Roberts
2022 Cain Conference Fellow | University of Twente
Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together
2014–2015 Presidential Fellow/2014 Cain Conference Fellow | University of Twente
Chemical Reactions: Chemistry and Global History
Seth Rockman
2022 Cain Conference Fellow | Brown University
Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together
Lisa Rosner
2009–2010 Garfield Fellow | Richard Stockton College
Chemical Dissertations in the Digital World: 18th-Century Chemical Knowledge and the History Browser
2005–2006 Neville Fellow | Richard Stockton College
The Audience for Popular Chemistry Works and Lectures from the 1790s through the 1860s
2003–2004 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Richard Stockton College
Lesson Plans on Chemical Science and the Chemical Industries, Based on Jane Marcet’s Conversations on Chemistry (1824)
Michael Rossi
2016–2017 Ullyot Scholar | University of Chicago
Between Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Aesthetics: Color Chemistry, Measurement and Manufacture, 1830 to 1930
2015–2016 Allington Fellow | University of Chicago
The Rules of Perception: American Color Science, 1831–1931
Alejandra Ruiz-León
2024–2025 Haas Fellow | Georgia Institute of Technology
Caged Knowledge: The History of TECNO-ITINTEC, a Pioneering Interactive Science Museum of Latin America
Pedro Ruiz-Castell
2011–2012 Allington Fellow | University of Valencia
New Identities from the Invisible: The Early Days of Electron Microscopy
Sharon Ruston
2016–2017 Allington Fellow | Lancaster University
The Collected Letters of Sir Humphry Davy
Claire Sabel
2023–2024 Haas Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Rare Earth: Gemstones, Geohistories, and Commercial Geography Between Southeast Asia and Europe, c. 1600–1750
Annalisa Salonius
2009–2010 Cain Fellow | Cornell University
Transformation in the Relationship Between the Organization of Research and Postgraduate Training in the Biomedical Sciences since 1960: A Comparative Ethnographic and Historical Case Study (Canada-U.S.)
Paul Sampson
2020–2021 Haas Fellow | University of Scranton
Ventilating the Empire: Environmental Machines in the British Atlantic World, 1700–1850
2017–2018 Ullyot Scholar | Rutgers University
Portable Chemistry for a Profitable People: Improvement, Public Science, and Global Trade in 18th-Century Britain
Candida F. Sánchez Burmester
2024–2025 Ullyot Scholar | Maastricht University, Netherlands
The Dawn of Nanotoxicology: The Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles in Humans and the Formation of a New Field
Ullyot Scholar
Kathleen Sands
2004–2005 Neville Fellow | DeVry University
The Intersections of Science and Religion
Antonella Sannino
2021–2022 Science History Institute Fellow | University of Naples, “L’Orientale”
Forms of Artificial Life and Models of Transformation from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period
Mat Savelli
2012–2013 Haas Fellow | McMaster University
A Comparative History of Psychopharmaceutical Print Advertising
David Schleifer
2008–2009 Haas Fellow | New York University
Getting Better for You: Trans Fats, Risk, and Innovation
Ulf Schmidt
2011–2012 Doan Fellow | University of Kent
Secret Science: Human Experimentation in Biological and Chemical Warfare Research during the Cold War
Benjamin Schmidt
2021–2022 Doan Fellow | University of Washington
Alchemy at Meissen: On the Conversion of Matter, the Production of China, and Europe’s Transmutation of the World
Rebecca P. Schwartz
2003–2004 Edelstein Fellow | Princeton University
Telling the Story of the Manhattan Project
Bruce Seely
2008–2009 Cain Fellow/2009 Cain Conference Fellow | Michigan Technological University
Technology Transfer and Diffusion in Comparative Perspective
Jeffrey Seeman
2000–2001 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Independent Scholar
A Biography of Arnold O. Beckman
Elena Serrano
2011–2012 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Autonomous University of Barcelona
Women and Chemistry in Late-18th-Century Spain: The Chemico-Charitable Activities of the Junta de Damas
Thibaut Serviant-Fine
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Drugs and Tools: Antimetabolites in the Early History of Cancer Chemotherapy (1940–1960)
Nicholas Shapiro
2017–2018 Science History Institute Research Fellow
Matter, Materials and Culture Project
2013–2014 Haas Fellow | Oxford University
Chemical Freshness, Chemical Fetish: The Rise of the Synthetic ‘New Smell’ in Mid-20th-Century America
Sherri Sheu
2022–2024 Haas Curatorial Fellow | University of Colorado Boulder
Focus: Museum Interpretation Projects
Bono Shih
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | Viriginia Tech
Engineering at the Crossroads of Chemistry and Industry: Developing Ideas of Chemical Engineering, 1880–1980
Matthew Shindell
2009–2010 Haas Fellow | University of California, San Diego
The New Prophet: Harold C. Urey, Scientist, Atheist, and Defender of Religion
David Sicilia
1999–2000 Cain Fellow | University of Maryland
The Political History of the U.S. Chemical Industry since World War II
1999 Cain Conference Fellow
Pharmaceutical Innovation: Revolutionizing Human Health
Sean Silver
2023–2024 Doan Senior Fellow | Rutgers University
The Motley Emblem: Tristram Shandy and the Empire of Color
Julian Silverman
2023–2024 Haas Fellow | Fashion Institute of Technology
The Material History of Soap: Crafting a Scientific Demonstration for Public Audiences
Christian W. Simon
2000–2001 Cain Fellow | University of Basel
History of Industrial Insecticide Research and Development ca. 1900–1960
2001 Cain Conference Fllow | University of Basel
The Chemical Industry and the Environment
Jonathan Simon
1996–1997 Edelstein Fellow | University of Pittsburgh
The Alchemy of Identity: Chemistry and Pharmacy, 1787–1803
Shoshana Simons
2022–2023 Cain Fellow | University of California Berkeley
The Digitization of Chemistry and Computing
David Singerman
2012–2013 Haas Fellow | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
An Empire of Purity: Making the Modern Sugar Market, 1875–1925
Robert Slate
2013–2014 Doan Fellow | George Mason University
Regulating Nanomaterials: Drawing Lessons from TSCA and REACH
Leo B. Slater
2001–2002 Haas Fellow | Chemical Heritage Foundation
Quinine and the Chemical Control of Malaria, Drawing Historical Connections between Plants, Animals, and People
1996–1997 Ullyot Scholar | Princeton University
Locating the Accomplishments of Chemical Science and Industry within American History
1995–1996 Edelstein Fellow | Princeton University
Quinine, Its Use and Synthesis
Amy Slaton
2023 Cain Conference Fellow | Drexel University
Science in Humanities, Humanities in Science: Embedded Connections
Alexis Smets
2009–2010 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Radboud University Nijmegen
Chemistry, Iconography: Theory of Matter, Images, and the Concept of Chemical Images (1560s–1720s)
John Kenly Smith, Jr.
1999–2000 Edelstein Fellow | Lehigh University
The Evolution of Chemical Technology in the 20th Century
Pamela H. Smith
1997–1998 Edelstein Fellow | Pomona College
Art, Commerce, and Science: The Representation of Material Things in Early Modern Europe
Sally Smith-Hughes
1997–1998 Othmer Scholar | University of California, Berkeley
The History of Biotechnology and the Cohen-Boyer Patents
Geert Somsen
1997–1998 Othmer Scholar | Maastricht University
The Relationship between Colloid Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry in Both Germany and America
Ellan Spero
2012–2013 Allington Fellow | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Production and Place, Textile Science and Education in a Technological Landscape
Prerna Srigyan
2024–2025 Herdegen Fellow | University of California, Irvine
Lecture to Lab: Experimental Science Education in Cold War America
Emily Stanback
2013–2014 Haas Fellow | CUNY Graduate Center
Romantic Experimentation: Radical Science and the Politics of Disability
Kathryn Steen
2000–2001 Edelstein Fellow | Drexel University
Wartime Catalyst and Postwar Reaction: The Making of the U.S. Synthetic Organic Chemicals Industry, 1910–1930
1992–1993 Edelstein Fellow | University of Delaware
Development of the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Industry in the United States, 1910–1933
John Stewart
2010–2011 Allington Fellow | University of Oklahoma
Beyond Chemistry: Affinity as a Unifying Principle in Science at the Turn of the 19th Century
Jay I. Stone
2018–2019 Cain Fellow | Princeton University
Sweet Deception: A History of the Health Politics of Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners in the United States
Alexandra Straub
2019–2020 Cain Fellow | Temple University
Making Pure Water: A History of Water Softening from Potash to Tide
Ignacio Suay-Matallana
2014–2015 Cain Fellow | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Chemicals Across Borders: Spanish Experts and Custom Laboratories in a Global Fight Against Fraud
Kara Swanson
2023–2024 Seidel Senior Fellow | Northeastern University
Inventing Citizens: Race, Gender, and the United States Patent System
Shuko Tamao
2022–2024 Cain Curatorial Fellow | University at Buffalo
Focus: Oral History Projects
Ying Jia Tan
2021–2022 Cain Fellow | Wesleyan University
Plastic and the Economic Transformation of Chinese East Asia
Joel Harold Tannenbaum
2020–2021 Garfield Fellow | Community College of Philadelphia
Science, Marketing and Myth: Taste and Color Perception Research in the 1970s
Pierre Teissier
2008–2009 Cain Fellow | Oxford University
Between Chemistry and Industry, Solid-State Materials in the United States (1945–2000)
Ronald Tempest
1997–1998 Ullyot Scholar | Germantown Academy
Fuel Cells—Past, Present, Future
Peter Thompson
2021–2022 Haas Fellow | University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Grasping for the Mask: German Visions of Chemical Modernity, 1915–1938
Dominique Tobbell
2007–2008 Haas Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Pharmaceutical Networks: The Political Economy of Drug Development in the United States, 1945–1980
Oscar Moises Torres Montúfar
2016–2017 Doan Fellow | Colegio de Mexico
Miners, Oilmen, and Chemists: Globalization and Technology in the Mexican Sulfur Industry (1920–1972)
Barbara Traister
2009–2010 Allington Fellow | Lehigh University
Editing Ashmole MS 1494/1491: An Alphabetical Alchemical Manuscript (c. 1607–1611) by Simon Forman
Anthony Travis
2018–2019 Science History Institute Fellow | Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A Biography of the Chemist and Darwinian Raphael Meldola
Elly Truitt
2014–2015 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Bryn Mawr College
A Medieval Handbook of Art and Magic
Feng-En Tu
2014–2015 Doan Fellow | Harvard University
Manufacturing Reality: The Production of Modern Smells in Japan and Beyond, 1880–1945
Jennifer Tucker
2019–2020 Seidel Fellow | Wesleyan University
Dangerous Exposures: Work and Waste in the Victorian Chemical Trade
Roger Turner
2019–2020 Research Fellow
Julianne Tuttle
2002–2003 Ullyot Scholar | Independent Scholar
The Letters of Humphry Davy: Annotation of the Fullmer Transcription
Aristotle Tympas
2008–2009 Doan Fellow | University of Athens
On Nomography’s ‘Magic and Fun:’ A Perspective from the History of Chemical Engineering Calculations
Tianna Uchacz
2016–2017 Making and Knowing Scholar
Reut Ullman
2024–2025 Cain Postdoctoral Fellow
A Window to the World: Artisanal Knowledge Regime in the Russian Empire (1500–1750)
Peter Vale
2023–2024 Haas Fellow | University of California, Berkeley
Child of Copper: Mining, Capitalism, and State-Making in Central Africa
Brigitte Van Tiggelen
2010–2011 Société de Chimie Industrielle Fellow | Université Catholique de Louvain
The Chemists’ Blues: The History of Prussian Blue and Modern Chemistry
2008–2009 Allington Fellow | Université Catholique de Louvain
Mme. Thiroux d’Arconville and the ‘Essai pour server a l’histoire de la putrefaction:’ Anonymity, Autonomy, and Authorship in Women’s Contributions to Chemistry in the 18th Century
2006–2007 Neville Fellow | Université Catholique de Louvain
A Mixt: Mechanical and Chymical Explanations at the Service of Physicians—The Case of J. Mongin
Didi van Trijp
2021–2022 Allington Fellow | Leiden University
Natural History Illuminated: Pigments, Paints, and the Practice of Heightening (1680–1820)
Jessica Varner
2021–2022 Haas Fellow | University of Southern California
Chemical Desires
Gwendolyn Verhoff
2006–2007 Haas Fellow | Washington University in St. Louis
The Intractable Atom: The Challenge of Radiation and Radioactive Waste in American Life, 1945 to Present
Hanna Vikstrom
2015–2016 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
From Light Bulbs to LEDs: Illuminating the Role of Rare Metals
Sarah Vogel
2008–2009 Haas Fellow | Columbia University
The Politics of Plastics: The Economic, Political, and Scientific History of Bisphenol A
Emmet von Stackelberg
2023–2024 Mistry Fellow | Harvard University
Seeing Through Silver: How Chemists and Capital Made Images Move
Adelheid Voskuhl
2017–2018 Mistry Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
2012–2013 Doan Fellow | Harvard University
Engineering as Institution: Technical, Scientific, and Intellectual Elites in Germany and the United States, 1870 to 1935
Mark Waddell
2016–2017 Allington Fellow | Michigan State University
The Devil’s Cure: Magical Medicine and the Problem of Plausibility in the 17th Century
2004–2005 Neville Fellow | Johns Hopkins University
17th-Century Works on Natural and Artificial Magic
Daniel Joseph Walls
2021–2022 Haas Fellow | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Confined Success of Soil Lead Cleanup Initiatives
Changming Wang
2011–2012 Allington Fellow | Guangxi University of Nationalities
The Lives and Studies of Outstanding Chinese Chemistry Students in the United States during the Republic of China (1911–1949): A Comprehensive Investigation on Chemical Dissemination and Cultural Exchange
Xiaona Wang
University of Warwick
Hidden Causes, Manifest Effects: Occult Traditions in the Forging of Newton’s Natural Philosophy
Nadia Wadzinski
2013–2014 Edelstein Fellow | Princeton University
‘Current’ Investigations: Galvanism, the Birth of Electrochemistry, and the World of Scientific News, 1790–1820
Eleanor Webb
2024–2025 Cain Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Between Studium and Accademia: Science, Medicine, and Education in Early Modern Italy
Andreas Weber
2015–2016 Haas Fellow | University of Twente
Materials at Work: Governing Nature and Society in the Dutch Empire, 1780–1830
Stephen Weininger
2014–2015 Haas Fellow | Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Paul D. Bartlett and the Intersection of Industry, War and ‘Pure’ Science
Michael Weisberg
2006–2007 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
The Nature of the Chemical Bond
Simon Werrett
2015–2016 Allington Fellow | University College London
Recycling in Early Modern Science: Material Culture, Experimental Philosophy, and Sustainability
Samantha Wesner
2024–2025 NEH Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Citizens Electric: Electricity and Democracy in the Revolutionary Atlantic World
Peter Westin
2013–2014 Doan Fellow | Georgia Institute of Technology
Synthetics of Speed: The Trajectory of Changes in Tire Compound Formulation across Motorsports and Automobiles in the Latter Half of the 20th Century
Cheyeun Whang
2024–2025 Mistry Fellow | Harvard University
Finishing Touch: Cleaning the Modern American Body, 1880–1970
Johnnie-Marie Whitfield
1999–2000 Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellow | Millsaps College
Frédéric Wieber with Alexandre Hocquet
2018–2019 Otlet Fellow | University of Lorraine
Software Packages in Computational Chemistry
Courtney Tanner Wilder
2019–2020 Allington Fellow | University of Michigan
Novel Impressions in Printed Textiles, 1815–1851
Robert V. Williams
1997–1998 Garfield Fellow | University of South Carolina
Conduct Oral Histories with Several Pioneers in the Development of Scientific Information with Emphasis on the Chemical Science
Bess Williamson
2010–2011 ACLS/Mellon Fellow | University of Delaware
The Right to Design: Disability and Access in the United States, 1945–2000
Audra Wolfe
2000–2001 Othmer Scholar | University of Pennsylvania
Germs in Space: Joshua Lederberg, Exobiology, and the Public Imagination, 1958–1964
Michael Worboys
2014–2015 Haas Fellow | University of Manchester
NSAIDs, Inflammation, and Translational Medicine
Qinyan Wu
2022–2023 Presidential Junior Fellow | University of Pennsylvania
Controlling Systems and Controlling Legacies: Barbara McClintock’s 1961 Conversation with Two Bacterial Geneticists
Doogab Yi
2011–2012, 2007–2008 Haas Fellow | Princeton University
The Making of the Recombinant University: The Emergence of Biotechnology at Stanford University, 1959–1980
Jeris Strueland Yruma
2006–2007 Ullyot Scholar | Princeton University
How Experiments Are Remembered: The Discovery Narratives of Nuclear Fission
Nasser Zakariya
2010–2011 Haas Fellow | Harvard University
The Matter of Life: The Role of Chemistry in the Scientific Epic
Maria del Pilar Zazueta Aviles
2007–2008 Quinn Fellow | Columbia University
Vital Liquids: Milk, Soft Drinks, and the Politics of Dietary Changes in Mexico (1940–1986)
Frank Zelko
2016–2017 Cain Fellow | University of Vermont
Precious Bodily Fluids: What the History of Fluoride Tells Us about Science, Public Health, and the Politics of Knowledge

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