Scientific Biographies
Science is a human pursuit. Meet the people behind some of the most significant achievements and discoveries in the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences.
Elisabeth Bakker *
A biography of the fictional Elisabeth Bakker highlights the experiences of middle-class women in the history of early chemistry.

Eugene Houdry
1892 - 1962

Frédéric Joliot
1900 - 1958

Irène Joliot-Curie
1897 - 1956

Percy Lavon Julian
1899 - 1975

August Kekulé
1829 - 1896

Gustav Kirchhoff
1824 - 1887

Harold W. Kroto
1939 - 2016

Stephanie L. Kwolek
1923 - 2014

Henri-Marie Laborit
1914 - 1995

Ralph Landau
1916 - 2004

Robert S. Langer
b. 1948

Irving Langmuir
1881 - 1957

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
1743 - 1794

Gilbert Newton Lewis
1875 - 1946

Warren K. Lewis
1882 - 1975

Justus von Liebig
1803 - 1873

Carl von Linde
1842 - 1934

Arthur Little
1863 - 1935

Alan MacDiarmid
1927 - 2007

John Macleod
1876 - 1935

Jane Marcet
1769 - 1858

Russell Earl Marker
1902 - 1995

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
b. 1953

Lise Meitner
1878 - 1968

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
1834 - 1907

Maud Leonora Menten
1879 - 1960

Julius Lothar Meyer
1830 - 1895

Leonor Michaelis
1875 - 1949
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