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Distillations magazine

Unexpected Stories from Science’s Past

Of Mummies, Moss, and Magic

A conversation on the weapon salve, a sensational cure.


Distillations articles reveal science’s powerful influence on our lives, past and present.

Color illustration of a museum interior looking down a hall of arched opening showing a large number of objects on display, including an elephant, seashells, antlers, and a kayak
Early Science & Alchemy

Collect Call

In early modern Europe, collecting was a way to press order on a world made increasingly strange.

Man with rolled up shirt sleeves working under a lab hood while a woman in lab coat looks on
People & Politics

An Absolute Good?

Paul Berg, controversy, and the engineering of life.

Satirical illustration showing a crowd of people scrabbling to board an overcrowded airship
Inventions & Discoveries

The Comet Panic of 1910, Revisited

A recent discovery in a remote Puerto Rican cave sheds new light on the hysteria that greeted Halley’s Comet a century ago.

Oil painting of old man holding a flask with liquid inside
Early Science & Alchemy

As Good as Gold

Why do we still study the color of urine?

Black and white photo of a man standing beside a cross-section of an enormous tree

Proxies for Justice

The climate history of tropical regions has been chronically understudied. Correcting the record will require new methods and new perspectives.

A woman examines a TV dinner box she has taken from the freeze
Inventions & Discoveries

From the Front Line to the Freezer Aisle

How World War II changed the way we eat.

Old photo of women on a factory floor surrounded by munitions shells
Inventions & Discoveries

Picric Acid’s Volatile History

A mutable chemical and our collective choices.

Colorized illustration showing dated depictions of dinosaurs in a stylized setting
Arts & Culture

What Doomed Central Park’s Dinosaurs?

Historians unmask the villain who killed off New York’s Paleozoic Museum.

Man in hardhat and work clothes turning valve on a machine

Water and Power

Could a century-old aqueduct point the way to Los Angeles’s clean energy future?

Black and white photo of a man looking through a large viewfinder
Inventions & Discoveries

We’re Going to Work Miracles

The failed promises of Project Plowshare.

Color photo of a cow standing in a sunny Alpine pasture

A Tragedy with No End

Why does Garrett Hardin’s pessimistic fable haunt our collective imagination?

Color photograph of a vivid aurora in the sky over a beach
Inventions & Discoveries

That Time Demons Possessed the Telegraph

Solar storms from long ago have become the delight of some scientists—and the dread of others.

Black and white photo of a seated older man and standing older woman in front of a microscope
Health & Medicine

21 Years, 7,600 Tests

Mary Papanicolaou, the woman behind the man behind the Pap smear.

Renaissance oil painting woman holding a mirror while another looks on
Early Science & Alchemy

Controversy, Control, and Cosmetics in Early Modern Italy

In a society that damned women for both plainness and adornment, wearing makeup became a defiant act of survival.

black and white photo of a seated man in a lab coat
Health & Medicine

Joe Hin Tjio Counts Chromosomes

A basic scientific error hid in plain sight for decades until an Indonesian geneticist spent Christmas break on a lab bender.

Color illustration of a desert scene with a car in the foreground and storm clouds on the horizon

Everyday Monsoons

Washes and other gaps in the Sonoran Desert.

Roadside sculpture showing a skeleton man walking a skeleton dinosaur
Inventions & Discoveries

The Dinosaurs Died in Spring

Science that ushered in a new epoch also revealed stunning details from Earth’s distant past.

Woman inside ocean exploring suit in open air

Sylvia Earle and the Call of the Deep

Adventure and tangled interests under the sea.