The Science History Institute Museum is closed for renovations.
The Othmer Library remains open by appointment.
view of a colorful museum exhibit

A Colorful Tour

Explore the histories—and legacies—of textile dyes such as indigo, mauve, and Paris green with BOLD curator Lisa Berry Drago.

The Science History Institute’s BOLD: Color From Test Tube to Textile exhibition recently closed so we could install our new exhibition, Lunchtime: The History of Science on the School Food Tray, which opens September 27. 

But you can still experience BOLD.

In the video below, join curator Lisa Berry Drago on a tour of the sciences, technologies, and techniques that have colored our clothing for more than a thousand years. Featuring dye sample books, vibrant fashions, and instruments like a fade-ometer, the exhibition offers a history of textile dying that is not so black and white.

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